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The sample applications demonstrate the use of the bBrowser.NET class library. They are available as a Solution for Visual Studio 2008 and as a Project for VulcanIDE (VIDE).


bSample - Standard

bSample - bComboEdit

bSample - bCompoundValues

bSample - bGroupColumn

bSample - Blinking

bSample - BrowserCollection

bSample - ContextMenu

bSample - DataBrowser

bSample - DragDrop

bSample - Edit

bSample - FieldChoice

bSample - Images

bSample - MultipleServer

bSample - OwnerDrawValues

bSample - Selection

bSample - SensitiveSearch

bSample - SortMarker

bSample - VirtualColumn

bSample - Wallpaper


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